Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Wrestling tournament

Today was Josh's first real wrestling tournament! We had a beginners on Thursday, but it wasn't really a win or loose kind of thing. So today was the REAL DEAL! It started off very well, Josh won his very first match! We were all very excited for him and he was very excited too. However, from here it went down hill. His second match was with a child who is obviously way more experienced then Josh (some of these kids have been doing this for years by this age). So he lost his second match. Then he lost his third match and he got an elbow right in his kidney. It;s double elimination so we assumed we were done..NOPE!!! The brackets had gotten messed up and Josh had wrestled someone who was competing for the first place spot, in other words this kid was probably the best out there. So they said he could wrestle again in the right bracket. However this kid hadn't just wrestled minutes before with a kid who is one of the best, if fact he hadn't wrestled for probably at least 30 min or so. So long story short Josh lost again, and this time he got a huge charlie horse in his thigh! I really felt bad for him, my heart was broken. This sport is really hard to watch, especially when it's your child who is getting the snot beat of them. I;m not sure if I will go next Saturday or not! I get sick just thinking about it, but then again if he were to do better and get a medal I would feel terrible for missing that. We put Josh in wrestling to get him to be more competitive and driven and I do think that this will achieve that goal. All in all I think that he really likes it and that this was a wake up call for him to pay more attention in practice. I on the other hand can't decide if I like it or hate it. I'll update again in a couple of weeks after he has done this a few more times. In the mean time keep this softy of a mommy in your prayers!

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