Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Wrestling tournament

Today was Josh's first real wrestling tournament! We had a beginners on Thursday, but it wasn't really a win or loose kind of thing. So today was the REAL DEAL! It started off very well, Josh won his very first match! We were all very excited for him and he was very excited too. However, from here it went down hill. His second match was with a child who is obviously way more experienced then Josh (some of these kids have been doing this for years by this age). So he lost his second match. Then he lost his third match and he got an elbow right in his kidney. It;s double elimination so we assumed we were done..NOPE!!! The brackets had gotten messed up and Josh had wrestled someone who was competing for the first place spot, in other words this kid was probably the best out there. So they said he could wrestle again in the right bracket. However this kid hadn't just wrestled minutes before with a kid who is one of the best, if fact he hadn't wrestled for probably at least 30 min or so. So long story short Josh lost again, and this time he got a huge charlie horse in his thigh! I really felt bad for him, my heart was broken. This sport is really hard to watch, especially when it's your child who is getting the snot beat of them. I;m not sure if I will go next Saturday or not! I get sick just thinking about it, but then again if he were to do better and get a medal I would feel terrible for missing that. We put Josh in wrestling to get him to be more competitive and driven and I do think that this will achieve that goal. All in all I think that he really likes it and that this was a wake up call for him to pay more attention in practice. I on the other hand can't decide if I like it or hate it. I'll update again in a couple of weeks after he has done this a few more times. In the mean time keep this softy of a mommy in your prayers!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I haven't blogged since July of last year so I thought today would be a good day to do an update! Luckily my blog website is on my facebook profile, otherwise I would have never found this site because I had no idea what the address was! Also it's a good thing that I use the same password for everything or I wouldn't have been able to get in. Yep, that's right just figure out what my password is and you can get into just about anything on my computer! Anyhow, I will try to do a brief update on my life since July of 09.

We moved in with my parents in August just in time for Josh to start Rookie school and for the boys to start school. My parents have truly been blessings to have let us stay here while we start over! Rookie school was tough for all of us but it finally came to a end Jan. 6, 2010. Josh went on shift on the 11th and has loved every second of being a firefighter, good thing to since it took ten years for him to get on.

We finally sold our house at the very end of December! We didn't make one dime on that dumb house. When I think about people living in my house it still kind of creeps me out! But it's no longer my house so I will just have to get over that their are people living in MY home!

Christmas came and went and it was a good Christmas even though we had to put aside a lot of our usual traditions, but that's ok because it just wasn't a usual Christmas!

Now we are in a new year and I can already see that it's going to be busy year full of changes but I think that it is going to be a GREAT year!!! Josh and I hope to move into out own place sometime this year, and I will also be starting school very soon! God has been so good to us!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a little of everything

Well it is about 12:30 in the morning and I'm still up so I thought I would blog. I think that sometimes I stay up late just to be in the quiet. My everyday is so loud and hectic that the quiet is a rare but wonderful treat. And even though I'm not very good at it I like to write, it helps me clear my mind and also focus on the positive things around me. So because I haven't written in a while I will try to update as much as I can.

First of all we have had a very good summer so far. The boys are doing so well at swimming! Joshy is now swimming like a fish just like his parents. Scott is back to being his fearless self, as long as he has floaties and a ring float on. Eli hated the big pool at first but love his small "bath" as he calls it. Now Eli likes the big pool as long as he is with his daddy cause his mommy dunked him :) So swimming is a lot of fun with the boys this year.

Our 4th was really fun! We went to Cindy's fireworks stand and saw her for her birthday , and then we got lots of toys (or as most would call them fireworks) for my husband. We all chip in so that we can buy lots of good stuff. This year our contribution had to just be the good prices we get. So we went to our friends house(Kerri and Joe) and had a good dinner and then fireworks. The men turn into really big kids when we pull out the fireworks. It is truely like Christmas to them and they love putting on a good show for us! Eli didn't like the fireworks and Joshy really doesn't care much for them either. Scotty does like them as long as his ears are coverd. You would think seeing the shuttle lift off that sound wouldn't be an issue anymore!

So we are getting ready to move to my parent's house in a few weeks. Packing has been a big pain. I think that maybe the trying to pack with three kids is the hardest part. First of all the boxes have been so fun for them and I can't keep them out of them! Second if I sit down for one second to look through something the Eli wants to be in my lap. Third, we have lived here for 6 years and that means we have a lot of stuff and trying to decide what goes with us, what goes to storage and what goes to trash is so hard. I am getting excited about moving though. I know that this is a good thing because we will have a fresh start after Josh gets out of rookie school! My plan is to only live there a year but if need be we can stay longer. My parents have really been awsome in this whole process! Life is about to change for everyone, but I think it's going to be fun!

So Josh did get onto the Fire Department and we are of course exstatic! He has been trying for 10 years and presistance has finally paid off. God amazes me in how he can see the big picture and we just have to wait on Him for us to get a glimps of it. Through the years of trying I would get so frusterated with God, because I knew this would be such a good thing for our family and I just couldn't understand why Josh couldn't catch a brake. Now I know that some of it was that we just needed to grow up. After being a cop Josh is so different. He is way more confident of his abilities and has more knowledge of whats out there! I joke that we have watched eachother grow up! But in so many ways it is the truth! We have gone from teenagers to adults and we are lucky enough to have grown together instead of apart. Anyways, I also think that God wanted to see how bad we wanted this. Every year except this year we would have gotten a pay increase if he had gotten on the Department but this year we are going to take a 7000 dollar pay cut for the fire dept. But we know that it is worth it in the long run! So now all I'm worried about is loosing 40lbs before is fire dept. graduation in November!

Well I think that I have hit on most of what is going on here and I'll try to update more often and post some pictures :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

a fun week!end

This weekend was indeed a lot of fun!!! On saturday we went to the park and then to the fountain! When we first got to the fountain there were so many big kids that we decided to wait until they were gone to play. These kids parents were letting them fill up big buckets on everyone. Why do some people let their kids disobay rules, not only that why do they bring the stuff for them to disobay the rules? It just blows my mind how some people just don't care! Then it also makes it really hard for those of us who do care and are trying to raise our kids to follow rules and be good human beings! Anyways after the big kids left we went and played and they (well not Eli) had a blast! After that we went to Ginger's coffee shop and she gave the boys an me free drinks which was so nice of her! Then we came home and ate some great pintos and cornbread!

Yesterday we went to Josh's grandmother's(Linda) house for his great grandmother's 95th birthday! Yep my kids still have not only one great great grandmother but two of them! we are by far closest to this one though! We had a lot of fun sitting around talking while the kids played in the back yard with their cousins! By the way I couldn't have asked for better kids yesterday! They were perfect!!!! I love it when I can say that :) Eli didn't even cry but one time and that only lasted a minute. Even with birthday cake they were STILL good! Overall it was a really GREAT weekend.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Last night Josh and I had date night which is where we put the boys to bed early and then we cook dinner for ourselves and watch a movie and/or play games! We usually try and have a "date night" once or twice a month. With three kids it is hard and very expensive to find a babysitter, so this is a great alternative. In fact Most of the time I prefer staying at home to going out. The boys get upset that we are putting them to bed early but I think that it is good for them to see Josh and I put each other first sometimes. I always say the best gift we can give our kids are two parents that are still very much in love.

Usually either the day for our date night or the day after we try to do something with the boys (since we put them to bed early). So today we are going on a picnic! I love picnics! We are taking the boys up on the mountain and then if it is hot enough we will go to the fountain after that. Then we will go to Ginger's work for something that is top secret but the boys will get to see her which they LOVE! Josh is making pintos and ham for tonight so we will have a wonderful meal to come home to!!! Yep I think today is going to be a pretty good day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eli's bump

So my garage sale was a bust! But we had a really good time with some of Josh's family (well they are my family too)! We spent the night with grandma and I stayed up late talking with her, which is fun and exhausting all at the same time. Eli layed on a pallet with Scotty for a little while and listening to their little laughes was so cute. The next day was our garage sale and all was going fine until Eli fell of a 3ft. ledge on his head. He had a huge goose egg right in the middle of his forehead. But I guess Eli has a hard head cause he didn't cry but for maybe a second! I on the other hand was scared for about the whole day! Then he smashed his little finger in a door! So it was a sad day for Eli!!!

This week has been a very unproductive week for me! We got a big screen TV from Josh's mom, so now I can sit on the couch and play leg batman on the xbox360. So Basically that is what I have done. I told Josh last night that I have to get on the ball if I'm going to get anything done at all this week.
in fact that is probably what I should be doing right now. :)

Josh had his interview with the Fire Dept. yesterday and he thinks it went well. I'm really praying that he gets on this time. So please keep us all in your prayers for the next few weeks!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cleaning day!

OK so I'm going to try this one more time, because now I have a lot of family on facebook so I figure they might like to read what goes on here at the Cochran house!

Today is day 4 of summer vacation(yes I'm counting), and I have not lost my total mind yet! However I am very excited about my Mil's VBS next week. It is from 9 to 10 woohoo 3 whole hours! We completely cleaned the boys room today and that was a whole lot work. I had no idea that it was that dirty, It hasn't been that long ago that we went through all of their toys and weeded them down. I'm pretty sure that their toys are reproducing. I also got their bathroom clean which is always gross! Boys are so gross when it comes to the bathroom!

We are having a garage sale this weekend at Josh's grandma's house! I'm pretty excited and hope that a lot of this baby stuff gets sold (that would free up so much room). Jonathan and Hannah and our family are staying the night with her on Friday night and then getting up early to set everything up! Last time we had one here we made about 350 so I'm hoping to at least get close to that this time! Wish me luck!