Monday, June 8, 2009

a fun week!end

This weekend was indeed a lot of fun!!! On saturday we went to the park and then to the fountain! When we first got to the fountain there were so many big kids that we decided to wait until they were gone to play. These kids parents were letting them fill up big buckets on everyone. Why do some people let their kids disobay rules, not only that why do they bring the stuff for them to disobay the rules? It just blows my mind how some people just don't care! Then it also makes it really hard for those of us who do care and are trying to raise our kids to follow rules and be good human beings! Anyways after the big kids left we went and played and they (well not Eli) had a blast! After that we went to Ginger's coffee shop and she gave the boys an me free drinks which was so nice of her! Then we came home and ate some great pintos and cornbread!

Yesterday we went to Josh's grandmother's(Linda) house for his great grandmother's 95th birthday! Yep my kids still have not only one great great grandmother but two of them! we are by far closest to this one though! We had a lot of fun sitting around talking while the kids played in the back yard with their cousins! By the way I couldn't have asked for better kids yesterday! They were perfect!!!! I love it when I can say that :) Eli didn't even cry but one time and that only lasted a minute. Even with birthday cake they were STILL good! Overall it was a really GREAT weekend.

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