Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eli's bump

So my garage sale was a bust! But we had a really good time with some of Josh's family (well they are my family too)! We spent the night with grandma and I stayed up late talking with her, which is fun and exhausting all at the same time. Eli layed on a pallet with Scotty for a little while and listening to their little laughes was so cute. The next day was our garage sale and all was going fine until Eli fell of a 3ft. ledge on his head. He had a huge goose egg right in the middle of his forehead. But I guess Eli has a hard head cause he didn't cry but for maybe a second! I on the other hand was scared for about the whole day! Then he smashed his little finger in a door! So it was a sad day for Eli!!!

This week has been a very unproductive week for me! We got a big screen TV from Josh's mom, so now I can sit on the couch and play leg batman on the xbox360. So Basically that is what I have done. I told Josh last night that I have to get on the ball if I'm going to get anything done at all this week.
in fact that is probably what I should be doing right now. :)

Josh had his interview with the Fire Dept. yesterday and he thinks it went well. I'm really praying that he gets on this time. So please keep us all in your prayers for the next few weeks!

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